terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011

Hello there!

Hello there! A warm welcome to you all out there, sitting in your chairs in your comfy bedrooms, offices and evil basements. I have welcomes for all tastes: a hug, a poke in the arm or a whack in the head. Another little blog has been born in the huge blogosphere. Isn't it thrilling?

(That sentence only had "i's", by the way. I find it quite fascinating).

Anyway. I will do my very best to nurse and nurture this tiny blog, hoping to get a few pats in the head and back from you folks occasionally. My logo? A film a week and you'll be a geek. Nah, just kidding. Takes even more awesomeness than that to be a geek.

I'll be updating every week, probably Saturdays, the holy free-time days. The movies I'll be talking about? Mainly what you'd call "old movies", those that I've liked a lot and feel you should watch too. (Or, if I'm feeling evil, one particularly bad to rant about. But don't worry. That won't happen a lot at all. Ahem). I'll cover some more recent movies too, from time to time. I won't be rating any of them, though; I hate rating things, anything at all.

Therefore, I'm afraid you'll have to put up (if you want to, that is) with my very subjective, very relative opinion. As such, comments are always most welcome. I don't have a large knowledge of cinema terms, either; so if you are an expert, please forgive my ignorance :)

Await other small things other than movie posts, too! And don't forget to bring your hot chocolate, cappuccino or cat to warm your lap.

See ya next week! =D

Written at Stuart Highway, Australia, local 5:12, 13 / 7 / 2011

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